Cryptanalysis 2 (by )

I've still yet to analyze the wider algorithm I suggested in the last post:

Eight input bytes, three levels of S-boxes with byte permutations between * Input ABCDEFGH * A'B'=S(AB), C'D'=S(CD), E'F'=S(EF), G'H'=S(GH) * IJ=S(A'C'), KL=S(B'D'), MN=S(E'G'), OP=S(F'H') * I'J'=S(IM), K'L'=S(JN), M'N'=S(KO), O'P'=S(LP) * Output I'J'K'L'M'N'O'P'

But another to try, considering the success I had with the avalanche function on an 8-bit S-box, is the one I suggested back in the avalanche function post - break a block into an arbitrary number of 16-bit subblocks, pass each through the same S-box, then run an 8-bit avalanche function across the result, then another row of 16-bit S-boxes, then repeat the last two steps a few times.

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