Parallel Worlds Collide (by )

Sometimes I do find myself wondering what would have happened if Alaric hadn't given up the syntherziser and focused on just programming or had taken it back up instead of metal work - as it is he is talking about maybe getting one for the music room when we have more money/one comes up on Freecycle.

Well a few days ago a friend posted a link on my face book saying doesn't this guy look alot like Al. And I got a glimpse of that other world - well if Alaric was Australian and had stolen Phil Collins voice but still liked all the types of music he does and had me make the videos (in this parallel world I'd have done my back-up career and ended up as an animator/special effects bod).

The guy is called Goyte and it is very surreal for me to watch this - its a spot the difference puzzel! Watch this video

As it is I feel very tempted to make a parody of a bits of this guys songs including my little Wiggly Pets sitting in tripods holding passport photos of Alaric out in front of them. What this video to see what I'm talking about.

New Kettle! (by )


This is our new kettle 🙂 Whilst pregnant I set fire to the old yellow one we had in The Bakery and whilst moving we wanted to keep a kettle at each house. So we went into town to buy some more crates for moving with and popped into Morrisions to buy some dins only to find that in the New Year Madness they had reduced this kettle down to £6!

Look at the way it gleams!

Shiny kettle

The cats like it Kettle, cooker, cat

It looks so pretty and proper in place on the cooker 🙂

Kettle on Cooker

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