Dislexia, Dispraxia ADHD and the Autism Spectrum (by )

Hmmm I'm sure there should be some y's in that lot - oh well!

I was bored in the doctors surgery and just couldnt sit still so I went to look at the littloe nhs books they have in the waiting room and there was a book on ADHD - I thought that might be interesting - it turns out that the above 'disorders' are now all lumped together. Now Dyslexia and Dyspraxia I didnt realise had diversified into two distinct groups. Anyway the case studies were depressing as mostly it seemed the childrens distress seemed to be mostly they were surrounded by 'stupid' adults be that perants or teacthers.

I was also a bit shocked that people took kids to the doctors becuase of the 'symptom' I didnt read the whole book but it did throw up some interesting things like the fact it is licky that if you have one then you will have some of the others. Anyway I got intreged as I have sort of ignored the whole thing and even get annoyed when mum tells people about it.

I got a 'diagnosis' of dyslexia and dyspraxia at the begininning of my A'levels after struggling for the whole of my school life, being accused of being thick until IQ tests were done, then of being lazy etc... etc... anyway thats all old hat as they say!

I've started reading up some stuff and was suprised to find that omega-3 is supposed to help alivieta symptoms - I need to go more indepth because this is jusst one paper I've come across - when I'll get all to link at some point though it'll be a pdf. Not having studied in this field I dont know if the journal is any good - but the main contributor is from IC 🙂

This paper basically says that the 'disorders' are actually all just part of a phospholipid disorder which has also been conected to scitzophrenia (sp), bi polar (though I thought they were still arguing about weather this exists!) and other psychiatric conditions. Also that the disorders are associated with digestional track problems - if you know me then that is v.v.v. interesting - now I can see that this may actually be becuase if you have a digestional track disorder you are more lickly to suffer deficiencies - though this hasnt been mentioned yet!

Also if it is a deficiency then it would explain why more 'poor' people suffer from them and the rate of apparent increase (I say apparent becuase I dont beleive its something we can even get close to properlly quantifying) ie we all have bad diets in modern society etc...

Anyway - I'm off to think - especially as with all these disorders (the originals not bi-polar) there are disproportionatly more males affected than females - ie I'm unusal having server dyslexia as a girl which I already knew!


  • By Charlee, Mon 12th Jun 2006 @ 1:59 pm

    I didn't know Dyslexia was more common in males! although I went to an all girls school, so it follows that I only had main exposure to dyslexic females (there were quite a few at my school). As far as Bi-Polar goes, I've heard no rumblings of it being non-exsistent, but it's certainly not classified as a purely psychiatric disorder, as it is known to be due to problems in the hypothalamus, and incorrect hormone levels, and recent studies have shown that this could be due to difficient stem cells that generate synapses and neurons etc, and that Prozac works by altering the cells one down in the chain from these stem cells. I shall leave you to think on that 😉

  • By becca, Mon 12th Jun 2006 @ 3:49 pm

    Yeah there was a horizon type documentary shown a few years back and they actually trialed omega 3 on a group of kids with ADHD and a seperate group that had dyslexia parents of both groups saw massive improvements compared to the control groups. Also most kids don't like to eat fish so taking a vitimin instead is sometimes an easier option. Got olly to take the Omega 3 for about 2 weeks [as i was taking it for my "old age pensioner" knees] but hes rather reluctant as already has loads of pills to take. There is loads of literature about it though...so keep digging.

  • By Sarah, Mon 12th Jun 2006 @ 9:31 pm

    Sorry Charlee I got Bi-polar and borderline personality disorder mixed up - your right - silly Sarah!

    Becca omega-3 is supposed to stop visal distortions which I beleive Olly gets but he should ask his doctor weather the oild will affect other things before taking it.

    I forget to take all my tablets all the time cos I'm - well me!!!

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