We had to replace the kittens collars as I was a bit of a muppet so we decided that we should probably get one for Minni too but thought that she wouldn't like it and didnt give it a very good chance of remaining on her. I chose a sparkly silver one as I thought it would look really good against her black fur - the kittens have matching purple velvet ones.

To our suprise she didn't even complain when we put it on her! And she seems to be showing it off! This has the added advantage that you can now see her in the dark etc... this is good as she had a bit of a close shave with the postman as he's a new one and didn't see her!
This last week has been busy yet again!
With Village feast meetings starting up again - which we had forgotten about!
Friends staying, building walls, meet ups with old friends, building walls, business meetings, building walls, harvesting artichokes, building walls and vanishing cube units - oh and fixing laptops - on top of a normal week which for us is a tad rediculas anyway! Did I mention BUILDING WALLS?
This is my excuss for the bad blogging of late!
Oh did I mention that we had another leek under the sink - something different this time to before - which need fixing and that I've been doing the spring cleaning which includes that whole carpet shapooing thung!
It being nearly spring and me having writen this post way back in the autum I thought I'd best post it!!! I was reminded today as we harvested our artichokes (jerusalum).
We are very proud of our first harvest - especially as we have not had a lot of time to donate to the growing of things!
The marrows and courette plants went in very late but still seem to have produced a bumper crop 🙂
We also had butternut squash.
Alaric just could not resist when we started cutting the produce up for pasta suace making and freezing.
We also had so many tomatoes that Jean started to refuse to eat them - mind due I had been feeding them to her with everything!
Thursday night I went out - yes thats right out - on my own no Jean no Al. Just me to meet an old uni friend at the Royal William. This was basically the first time I've done this since Jean was born - so 8:30 saw me climbing the hill in the dark - a tad too scary for me as I am a wuse.
Still I made it and suprised the bar staff who insisted I was going caving! as I was wearing a head torch and had a maglite - a big purple one of course. I was a bit strange as it was sort of like first year of uni all over but with just a tad more depression. I t was a good night - I hadnt realised how much I miss going out really - especially here as there is no one our age about.
The young people are all pre-uni and the next youngest lot are about ten years older than us though they are the other perants in the village.
I think I am fortunate to find an old friend who lives close by!
I've just finished upgrading the database services on love
, my hosting server cluster... Phew. I started at 11pm, and it's now 2:30am. Much time spend shepharding the upgrade process. But we now have nice recent mysql and postgresql installations!