Feast Meeting and where it may lead (by )

So tonight I sat in the AGM of the Village Feast Commity - they organise the deer roast in the summer and the blues night ect... that we have unceromoneously dragged people too 😉

The out come of this? I want to make a website containing the history of the village feast as we have just been given a second archive in two years including programmes and stuff, I think I have possibly been press ganged into a chior and an art class - Sarah looks at her busy life and think - hmmmmm....

Still the choir would share weeks with the writting class which would be cool as it wouldn't mean giving up yet another night, it is gaspel choir and I am still a bit in two minds about it all. I really miss singing but I dont really like sticking to one type of singing. The actual village choir is very very coral and a gospel choir I assume just does gospel? I really miss the Haverning Youth Choir with its diversity from Magrigals to african chants, through in a bit of jazz and folk and I'm almost happy - well as long as I have access to my guitar and my Tori Amos music book not to mention the Nivana one. These choirs dont cost anything to belong to which is a bonus - I am a bit nervous of making commitements on Tuesday and Thursday nights as I am hoping to go back to college and they are the nights of the actual lectures you have to attend.

The art class you do have to pay for but is actually held in the farm just up the hill from us, it is a course rather than a perminant thing but the financial cost has me umming and ahhing at the moment.

Oh for a time dialation machine and a money press :/

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