Poor Ticket Inspectors (by )

Last nights train was the last one I could get and the ticket inspector realising we were going to be late into Swindon where I needed to change to get to Stroud said he'd be phoning though to hold the train for us. We were as always stuck behind a fret train and going at ssssssssnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllssssssssssssss pace.

He even told me which plateform I would need to go to which was very helpful as I didn't have a clue and was actually very worried about missing the connecting train.

However, though we left the fret train behind us we got stuck at Didcot Parkway for quiet along time. The reason? The guy behind me had his ticket stolen by another passanger, fortunatly the ticket inspector saw him plus the theif had been trying to steal other things off of other passangers for the entire journey. The victum who had gourgously pink hair stayed remarkably carm but the theif did not. He insisted it was his ticket, refused to get off the train, locked himself in the toliet and shouted lots!

He then attacked the poor trian staff. So obviously police where involved. No one appeared seriously injuried fortunatly but I was a bit worried and shaken and also fretful about the train I thought I was missing. A phone call to Al whilst the guy opposite went to see if things actually where ok, had me relax in the knowledge that the company had to get me to Stroud. I was however worried about the poor train staff. From the reactions of other passengers I take it this happens quiet alot? I mean I've seen stuff like it whilst waiting on Barking Stations plateforms but that like East London and I sort of expect it there and there are always high levels of staff.

I also wondered what would have happened if the ticket inspector had not seen the theift take place would the pink hair victum been believed. This is only something I am wondering due to the response of some of my Scouts perants on hearing I was dying my hair pink for Charity (more on this later) they were worried that I was going to do it perminant as people would think I'm one of those weird people. This made me sad becuase they were trying to protect me but it shows that the world is still judging books by covers and not even with the correct assossiations to the covers.

Other people seem to be more concerned about this insident and me travelling late than I was leading me to wonder if I should be more concerned. Hopefully we will soon have our lives sorted so that I only have to make one such late journey a week. Also I wonder what the actual crime stats are - am I more at risk traveling at night?

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