A tail of two cats (by )

I have received two messaged whilst being in London this week about the cats back at the Mill - Poor Betsy, Barbara's old black cat who looks like Minnie, our black cat, was off colour - not eating and the such like but still purring away and sitting merrily by the fire. Just to make sure she was fine they took her to the vets and it turned out that the strange coughing she was doing wasn't hair balls but lung cancer 🙁

So Betsy is no more :'(

They buried her this morning and Al says he took Jean to see her to explain but not overly labour the point. Jean initially asked when Betsy would wake up. It was explained she wouldn't - Jean has apparently spent the day mulling this fact over.

The second cat message is on a slightly lighter note - Mystery Cat was harassing one of the kittens so Alaric picked him up and tried to throw him gently to the other side of the stream so he'd have to walk to a way to get back to where the kitten was cowering up a tree. However Alaric slipped and accidentally dropped the poor cat into the stream - it instantly leaped out and instead off running away padded wet and miserable over to Alaric - meowed pathetically and rubbed up againt him - just to make sure he felt completely responsible and guilty.

Alaric was mortified - my dad is always threatening to trebuchet the cats Mystery Cat so he has named Alaric the Cat Soaker!

Al feels very guilty.

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