Old McDonald had an Alpaca (by )

On Saturday we started our outings in the Lakedistrict by going to see the Alpaca's - these are cute little camelids from Pure or somewhere and they are so lovely - I never thought I'd find something I liked more than the Llama.

I have decided that even though they are like £7000 each or something I want to bread them when I retire, I already want Llamas when I retire - I hope they'll get on with goats:/

Jean loved them too - they were a variety of colours from white to carmel brown to dark brown and grey - there where mixed ones too. In the shop they had lots of alpaca rugs which looked suspicously like the pelts skin and all but they where so soft and in lovely geometric patterns. For £30 there where teddies made out of the stuff which was soooo soft - I got Jean a little knitted alpaca from Peru for £3 instead - she has called it Paca/Packer and has not stopped carrying it around with her.

We asked the ladies what sort of noise it made as Jean was asking for Old McDonald - apparently they hum so we now have a verse that goes:

Old McDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had an alpaca e-i-e-i-o with a hmm hmm here and a hmm hmm there her a hmm there a hmm everwhere a hmm hmm!

(we already have verses invovling such things a Llama's and dinosuars, tractors and chainsaws)

I will post the photos shortly though they aren't very good due to where the sun was in the sky and the fact that I only had a phone camera to use.

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