Red Nose Day – Or Jean as A Clown Day (by )

Today was Red Nose day and as always I made sure I had a nose - I have been collecting the different ones since I was 4 years old and have fond memories associated with each:

The first one I got in hospital, they came round with a tray and I didnt have any money but some else bought me one. It got droped and rolled behind the wendy house in the day room - the nurses and a doctor move the house so that I could get it back.

I dont remeber what order they appeared in but there have been tomato ones, hair do ones, poking tongue out ones, fluffy ones, ones with embossed faces and heat change ones which got y brother into trouble as he announced in that pink mean pregnant.

Jean wasn't really old enough to participate in the last Comic Relief but she was this time.

And though it was a bit too close to the World Book Day dress up her Pre-school were having a clown day.

I found out about this a few days after I found out about the World book day event and I basically work on both costums at the same time.

Clown Jean holding hat and nose on spotty buttons looking good red nose in mid fall

I made the hat with a bit of help from Jean - the buttons were all of her work which is cool 🙂 as I think they look fantastic. As always the hat had to be pink - I let her choose! We also decorated one of her large white t-shirts with glitter fabric paint that I got for her snpw cloud costum. She had a great time swerling the paint on the t-shirt and I did manage to get a magizine stuck inside the t-shirt - it was there to stop the front of the t-shirt sticking to the back!

the finished hat sticking the buttons on Jean and blue glitter

Barbara had a pair of childrens clogs - proper wooden ones that are just right for Jean and she loves them and I thought they would make good clown shoes!

Dad however did have to sand the jagged sharp glue away from the inside of the shoe - one of the clogs had been repaired at some time in the past but very very badly.

I then picked up the strippy trousers from a charity shop for 50p - these can double as pirate trousers or count draculars trousers! That and the £1 for the nose are all that I laid out for the costum everything else was 'in stock' as it were which was cool.

The hat is far too heavy - it is also just about the sturdiest hat ever and in the process I discovered that fabric glue is good for sticking more than fabric!

Jean was really excited about this outfit though she kept insisting she was Aladdin!

She made me wear my red nose to take her to pre-school in and I even went inside wearing it. They were doing show and tell and Jean had to go straight to the front to show her hat off!

mummy and Jean

We sent her in with her trainers as the clogs are not very practicle for running etc...

She had a great time and we bought lots of little smiley brown cakes with red glace cherry noses to eat from the nursery - I then wizzed off to London to look at a piece of the moon 🙂

I was a bit sad not to see more red noses but as mine was secreted in my bag at this point I woundered how many other people had them but just werent wearing them! I did however give some money to a man in red tights at Paddington station - he had a red curly wig, face and nose 🙂

I have unfortunatly left this years red nose with glasses on, on the ear of @ndy's nabaztag in the office in Highgate :/

Hopefully the 'how to' on the hat and t-shirt will appear on Salaric Craft soon.


  • By Kordian Witek, Sat 14th Mar 2009 @ 1:45 pm

    Love the photos - she's such a cutie!

  • By sarah, Mon 16th Mar 2009 @ 6:33 pm


  • By @ndy, Tue 17th Mar 2009 @ 2:46 pm


    The nose is still on the ear...

    Is that some kind of secret code word?

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