School – Beginning of week 2 (by )

Today Jean went off to school happily though she still clings like an extra clingy thing to Alaric in the play ground :/

She was given an invite to a Girly Party which is tomorrow - the dynamics of this where quiet interesting, the little girl couldn't find her so one of the boys tracked Jean down and then when Jean didn't get what was being said he went and got the invite for her and delivered it!

The boys where also quiet put out about not being invited which was interesting to observe with one child having to explain the it wasn't for boys.

When we went to pick her up she did her skip home from school thing which includes a silly song I had to make up for her about skipping home from school at lunch time and trying to catnap Cosmic the cat. As we were walking past the cemetary Jean informed us we had to be quiet other wise they (pointing to the grave yard unconcernedly) might hear us. I don't remember really explaining much about grave yards to her - it was very horror movie-esk to be honest!

The Cats have also started following us part way to the school and Helium was even sitting at the gate for when we returned 🙂

This afternoon Jean announced I was using full stops and finger spaces when I'm writing but that I do naughty writing (my handwriting?) which was quiet sweet. She seems to have learned a song as well and announced that her food turns into energy which was interesting - not sure if that from Alaric's rescent conversations with her or school.

In just one week her colouring in has drastically improved - she is at least attempting to colour rather than just scribble over the top. Though she has attempted to draw cat whiskers one me this afternoon - I was being distracted so almost said yes to it too!

The only sad thing is that pretty much every day she colours a stack of pictures for her pre-school friends and asks us to send them to them 🙁

1 Comment

  • By Cait, Tue 15th Sep 2009 @ 12:20 pm

    The pre-school thing wears off after a while, and she'll remember them more vaguely as the new friends thing takes over.

    It is a bit odd though. I remember Nora being invited to a party for a friend from nursery when that friend had already left. Nora didn't know anyone there, it was all new kids from the party girl's new school. I felt sorry for her, because of course she wanted to play with her friend, whose attention was constantly pulled away by her newer, cooler schoolfriends.

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