I’m Going to Be Box (by )


I was abit worried about the Logian's Run theme as I know my body just isn't really in the sort of state where anyone wants to see it in a short bit of sheet tied up with string - plus I thought I might get cold!

So I decided to go as box - I made the mask from papier mache and made the wire springs and stuff - which was fun as I hadn't done any wire working for a long time.

I'm now hoping that the rest of the outfit will be ready for Saturday - and that people wont be scared off as I look awful! Jeany liked the mask before I added silver paper and springs - she now says its scary.

Hopefully I'll get round to blogging about how I made it over on Salaric Craft.

Allergy or Shingles (by )

Rash Shingles?

I had to go back to the dr - Saturday after the first aid course my arm broke out in a server rash - that didn't look like the impetigo which was clearing up nicely with the creme. The photo's were taken Monday as and I got to see the dr Wednesday morning - the dr who had been dealing with me has apparently left the surgery.

I got a bit flustered at the drs as he said he didn't know what it was and started asking questions about bites - we ascetianed it probably wasn't bites but was it an allergy?

It looks like shingles as its in a strip on one arm but I'm 'a bit young for that'. So I was prescriped another cream this time Betnovate RD cream which I think is just to stop me scratching my self to bits. I mentioned the itching but forgot to mention the burning or the fact I feel pooh.

Apparently shingles is from chickenpox when I was younger and just flares up if your run down etc... I am now waiting 2-4 weeks to see if its an allergy - if it gets worse I have to go back imediatly.

I considered mentioning my backs got a new 'sharp' pain in it but they get a bit upset with you adding things to the sessions that aren't related. On the plus side either way I'm not infectious which is good 🙂

Also I have Cassiopea or the wonky W as one of the spot patterns which is kind of cool 🙂

We had the last Scout meeting of the term last night and it was decided that I should take a break from it until mid May which to be quiet honest is a relief as I'm going to be submitting alot of course work then plus have presingtations and the like going on.

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