Princess Alice and Mary Calvin (by )

Red, White and Blue Mary is Calvin complete with little Hobbes on her baby grow

It is the schools Queen Jubilee Lunch today and so Jean had to dressed in red, white and blue or as a member of the Royal Family. Being Jean she chose to be a Red, White and Blue Princess. That combined tiredness has made her very much Alice out of Alice In Wonderland. This strange state of affairs was increased by Mary being a mischievious little grump - when ever she wears the little baby grown with tiger cubs on, I can't help but call her Calvin. Especially as in the caffuffle of getting Jean ready for school the baby decided to get down and eat the cat biscuits. On all fours with just her mouth like the cats do :/

So I had a precious little madam and a mischievious little monster this morning!

Here are more pics of Jean:

An elegant flare Red, White and Blue Princess Princess Jean

This has made me realise that Jean's idea of princess is mainly Indian - she loves the Princess out of 80 Days Around the World and wanted to go to school in a sari. But she was happy with this get up in the end though she wasn't happy with the pasta salad me and Daddy had stayed up late to make - mainly as it had spring onions in it :/

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