Category: Uncategorised

A Quick Snippet of a Sarah Day (by )

Today walked to Gloucester - had an altercation about buying books at a church bizar, got harrassed by a real life Salad Fingers until his career interviened, met up with Al and had lunch, had a grumpy teething baby, managed to walk home though last stretch had the pelvis clicking and crunching! Jeany decided to help me by cleaning the kitchen using washing up liquid and my exfoliating scrubber - she washed walls and floors, we made sushi and diary free chocolate for Mary. Still no laptop

Junior School, missing Blacky Buns and General Updates. (by )

Jean started junior school today - inreality this means she has changed classes and teachers for the first time in her school life she chose hello kitty stuff for her lunch box etc... I managed a walk for coffee with the baby and took her to the park with minimal pain. Saddest bit though was the baby looking for the bunny rabbit she tended to feed him leaves over the wall. Jean managed to get her remote control car stuck in her hair - that is todays updates.

Laptop Disastors (by )

I have been cramming too much stuff into my life again and as a result have been having a few muscle spasms - nothing too bad except that last Tuesday after yet another festival I needed to packed and get the girls and me ready for a week of camping in Essex. SO I got up early and made myself a hot drink to wake me up. I then sat down to post on FB that I was going to be in Essex and that JEan would be having her birthday there and see if anyone wanted to pop down to the beach and have BBQ with us. My hand spasmed and I poured freshly made tea down myself and over the laptop, I dropped the cup (one of my favourites and eldests mugs) which smashed - alerting Alaric that something was up - he wasn't yet up for work.

I was pouring liquid out of the laptop in a dazed state when he asked if I was burnt. The answer was yes but I was pre-occupied in trying to save the laptop (I was not functioning properlly at this point). Alaric stripped my clothing which was still ouchy hot from the drink and got me too the shower. I had a bright red strip on my stomach, on bright red leg and another red knee. I kept on having little cold showers. Alaric wanted me to go to hosptial but I said I wanted to see how things went. I got mild shock but slept it off and thanks to Alaric and not me the burn was just a sore patch for the holiday but we were like a day late in getting there, I had blisters on my chest I hadn't noticed and my laptop after a week did not work at all 🙁

So it is now in the hands of insurance campanies and the like :/

Knitted Atoms (by )

knitted carbon and hydrogen atoms waiting to become molecules

These are a few of the knitted atoms I made at Wychwood Festival whilst listening to great bands, comedy, pirate pantos, and poetry. They along with some red oxygen, green Chlorine and a few others will be sewn together as molecular representations of things like sucrose (sugar). These will shortly be on display as part of the Please Touch Exhibition at Centre Arts in Cheltenham.

I was quiet happy to find that I was knitting at a festival on Knit in Public Day as well 🙂

What An Amazing Week! (by )

Friday I went off to Not The Oxford Literature Festival were I read out stuff from an upcoming collection called Political Converse including the song Shit Creek.

I gave out my new business cards which I am very happy with from Moo. Each card has a different picture on either of my art work, photos I've taken or me being arty. I have rationed them to one per person as some people want to collect the pictures 🙂

I came home on Friday feeling great especially as I'd worked out the old guy at the festival was infact the guy who's stories I'd been obsessed with as a child!

He's called Dennis Hamley for those of you who are interested 🙂

Then I checked my emails and.... I've won a Bronze Medal in the Gloucestershire Creative Olympics! For my song Windy Gloucestershire. So I am going to to an awards thing at Battle of the Winds in Stroud at the end of the month!

Then Sunday I went off to Art Tournaments No Hoax where I read out more of my Political Converse including another song 🙂 This was all whilst wearing my flashing corset!

Sound quality is naff and I am competing with the band in the other room! But you get the idea 🙂

I enjoyed watching the other acts and knitting whilst Alaric crotcheted - this was then topped off by winning a place in the finals for the Gloucestershire Poet Laureate! Which will take place at Gloucester Cathedral in August 🙂

So with all this I thought I should start working on my web home/hub, somewhere were all the bits of me are collected - I'm still working on it but here it is 🙂

Then I got an email saying I had made the long list for Flash Fiction South West.

I then made a cake with Alaric and Jean for Al's birthday - it didn't quiet work but tasted brilliant!

I feel I am on a roll at the moment and that I may even have reached the 'tipping point' with getting my work out there etc...

The only iffy thing has been that my SponsorMe account will be closed if I don't get some sponsors soon! People keep saying they will sponsor me but haven't yet - so if you're going to do it now please otherwise it will be too late!

Help me bring science art to all 🙂

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