Day 5 (by )

The midwife came today! She said she didn't think the stairs were safe, and told Sarah not to carry the baby up and down them, and to avoid using them herself, since she's still weak on her legs. And she said the room was too small and cluttered, since Sarah needed space to stretch and walk about without having to clamber over piles of stuff, in order to avoid developing thrombosis.

We told her we had a nice house in Gloucestershire waiting for us, and asked when would be a good time to move to avoid complications with the postnatal care. Apparently, ten day's time is when midwife care switches over to health visitor care, so about then.


The midwife will come again tomorrow to see how things are. Which is good, since at the time of writing, Jean's not... uh... passed a stool in about 20 hours. The midwife this morning said a bit of constipation is to be expected if we're having to supplement breast feeding with bottle feeding, but it worries me nonetheless, not least because when she DOES let rip it's probably going to be a bit major

This morning / last night, Jean seemed to decide that the only way she would sleep was if I was holding her - put her down, and she'd wail within a few tens of seconds. This was most endearing, since I ended up with my shirt off holding my baby daughter to my chest watching her listen to my heartbeat and my breathing and dozing off to sleep, but by 4am I was a bit tired and achy, so after a bit of experimentation we found that she would sleep happily in the gap between Sarah and I in bed facing each other, which was also super-soppy.


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