First day at nursery (by )

Today, Jean had her first day at day nursery. We dropped her off at 8:30am, and picked her up at 5:30pm, and in between she was in the care of a group of nurses, meeting other babies and playing with new toys and generally being mentally stimulated in ways we can't provide ourselves, while we (in theory) were free to get on with work and relax a bit all day.

Well, Jean had a lovely time - the nursery seems good; such establishments are quite tightly regulated in the UK in terms of adherence to standards, but - more tellingly than the wordy OFSTED report - when we were dropping Jean off all the other children arriving seemed to be looking forward to their day.

While we came home, having woken up at 7am to get her ready after getting to sleep past 1am the night before, so fell asleep again until about 1pm, then headed off to collect a parcel from the post office (my order from the NetBSD Online Store arrived! I now have, amongst other things, an "Of course it runs NetBSD" bumper sticker which I'll attach to the van - once it's running NetBSD) and to do some emergency shopping since we're out of toilet paper.

On the way home, we realised we'd forgotten to actually get any toilet paper, so had to stop off at another shop anyway. We arrived home and I tried to do an hour's work on an empty stomach, with relatively little success, before lunch was ready, which we had to hurriedly eat before heading out to pick Jean up again.

So now we get home, and I take a twenty minutes to write this blog post up while I run down from driving mode to programming mode, and my work day is starting at 7pm. Grrr!

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