Intermissions (by )

Now when I was little I'm sure I remember films having intermissions where you would go a loo and buy popcorn like the theatre. Al said he's sure of this too - so why does it nolonger happen?

Surely if a film is over an hr and 1/2 there should be a break some where - preferially the middle. Now I remember being cuaght out with this one when I wnet to see a five hr film at the cinemar - no break large coke etc....

What are they thinking - the last three times at least that me and Al have been to see a film we have both practiclally run out as soon as the credits start due to pressing bladder problems and one of those times we didnt even have drinks on the film with us!! (so bangs goes that solution!). Now surely they would make more money having the breaks? They take your tickets at lots of cinemars before yiou get to the bar and sweets area so no problem there plus people would finnish their food etc.. and want more?

Is it the 21 st century concentration span that is at fualt - would people loose the thread of the film if there was a break? Or is it that they would only be able to show the film say four times a day instead of five, and the extortionate price of the tickets means they would rather do that - fear that is there isnt a film starting every ten minutes they would loose customers? I dont think they would becuase you look up the times before you leave or take pot luck on what you are going to watch and watch what evers stating next. I dont mind wondering about for 1/2 before a film starts - sigh.


  • By becca, Mon 10th Jul 2006 @ 8:58 am

    you should try going to the cinema with me - you know i have the bladder the size of a pea!!!! I always have to sit on the end of the row - and very rarely can watch a film without nipping to the loo.... i agree - there should be breaks in films.

    I remember when i watched the titanic at our local cinema back home - they put a break mid way through....that wasn't that long ago.

  • By andyjpb, Wed 12th Jul 2006 @ 11:57 pm

    They still have "Kurtz Pause" in Zurich. It drives my friend mad whenever he goes there: I get to hear all about it. 🙂

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