The Dead… Shrew? (by )

Ok this probably isnt a good post to read if you are a)squimish b)eating.

We went over to feed the cats in the Mill yesturday when we noticed a silvery slime trail - so whilst Al was feeding the cats I was on my hands and knees searching for the culprit be it snail or slug - I was wearing my lovely LED head torch that Rob got me for my birthday, to help with the investigation. I spied something under the table and chair but it seemed it be a small rodent - a bit larger than the shrew I cuaght before but not mouse sized. So I got one of the cats spooms thinking that as it was probably something Tim had cuaght I'd put it with the rabbit I fell over earlier.

Once on the spoon it appeared to be moving so I brought it up to face level to see if it was injuried - It had not head and there was a gash along its stomache which was full of small white maggots 🙁 Now as some of you know I am petrified of maggots - snalis, spiders, toads, catipillars, snakes, scorpions, sculls - all fine - but maggots - especially meat eating maggots I just freak with 🙁 Al had to recue me but I still cuaght the escapies on the carpet - even if Al desposed of them!

Exorcist The Beginning

Sigh oh well - now we have kittens - I just hope we find any kills before they reach that stage! Oh and I didnt find the silver trial culprit either - sigh!

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