Maize Maze (by )

There's a Pick Your Own place near us, just by the Shurdington A46/A417 roundabout, which I sometimes drive past on the way to or from Cheltenham. And for ages, I've been intrigued by their "Maize Maze Open" sign.

I'm rather fond of mazes, so this morning, after dropping Jean off at her nursery, we stopped off at the maze on the way back.

Life being rather busy at the moment, I rarely have time to do something fun except from making empassioned blog postings about technology when I should be going to bed (or when I should be working, so I end up working when I should be going to bed), so I was rather excited about this outing.

It's nearly the end of maize maze season, which apparently runs from July to sometime later this month when they close down for winter; and the weather was a bit damp and dreary today, so the maze had this cool ambience of decay. Not enough to be disgusting and horrid, just the maize was looking a bit droopy, with some bits fallen down across the path and strange fungi growing on a few of the plants, so it was actually quite atmospheric and eerie.

We followed the turn left rule to traverse the entire maze, even after we'd found the exit, because they had a maze game for kids; there were 20 (although we only found 18) pictures of sea creatures (as long as you count a seagull and a mermaid as sea creatures; the others were fish, crabs, dolphins, shells, etc), and visitors who correctly stated how many of them had legs won a prize.

We won, and received an apple, a plum, a tube of Parma Violets, and this rather splendid strawberry balloon:

Sarah with balloon

The pick your own has a giant version of the same they send up on good days.

Sadly, the maze won't be open next year on my April birthday, but I hope to go again each year.

1 Comment

  • By Sarah, Fri 15th Sep 2006 @ 6:11 pm

    Arg why the pic of me!!! Nooooo 🙁

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