Jean’s Day (by )

Today we woke bobble up and she was HAPPY - grinning and squealing with excitement just becuase she could crawl towards us and hug us and crawl to the next perant and be tickled and hugged and sung to! She is generally really happy like this most mornings but often we dont have the energy/time to truely appreiciate her and that cheeky little grin.

She eat a hearty breakfast of weet-a-bix with goats milk and friut - well actually due to cutting another tooth she didnt eat all her brekki but she tried - got distracted by kittens - and then helped us tidy the bedroom. She was a great help - taking everything out of the laundary bag! The bag that is that I had just filled. Lunch was a similair story to brekki and she seemed a bit crumpy so we tried to settle her with some milk and a napp - nope! No chance she was too energetic - so we had a great time playing 'Jean Do!' - we did funny noises with our mouths and clapping our hands and saying A both vocally and in sign. Jean even pointed to things she wanted and almost managed patta cake without getting distacted or just missing the point of the game.

We went out for dinner just to Pizza Hut as an end of the week treat - she as always wowed everyone and got herself a balloon! Then home to sleep (we thought hahahaha).

The tooth had liturally just broken the skin - I looked in to see the white/pink spike in her gum away from the other teeth - this explains the three 'eggs' she laid today. Obviously this ment she didnt want to sleep but was tired, wanted to be hugged but felt wriggly - the solution?

We watched on of the Winni the Pooh DVDs Michelle gave us at Christmas - Jean was entranced - it was so sweet to watch and then - just as the second fromlast story wound up the eyes started drooping and by the end of the last one she was practically asleep!

Lovely bobble - even teething she was being a lovely baby today 🙂 🙂 🙂

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