Spooky cows (by )

This evening, we were walking along the drive. It was dark, so I had a headtorch on, and I made a spooky discovery.

You see, the drive is bordered on both sides by farm fields, with a row of bushes and small trees marking the boundary. And the field on one side is full of all-black cows.

The spooky thing is that the cow's eyes light up in a torch beam in the same way cats' do. As in, at the distance away they were, the torch beam didn't light the cows themselves up any more than a faint black sillhouette, but there were several pairs of bright glowing eyes - a disturbing distance apart, leaving no doubt that they belong to something quite larger them myself - peering at us through the hedge.

I'm going to see if I can find a way to get a photo of this rather alarming effect!

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