Maize Maze (by )

There's a Pick Your Own place near us, just by the Shurdington A46/A417 roundabout, which I sometimes drive past on the way to or from Cheltenham. And for ages, I've been intrigued by their "Maize Maze Open" sign.

I'm rather fond of mazes, so this morning, after dropping Jean off at her nursery, we stopped off at the maze on the way back.

Life being rather busy at the moment, I rarely have time to do something fun except from making empassioned blog postings about technology when I should be going to bed (or when I should be working, so I end up working when I should be going to bed), so I was rather excited about this outing.

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I can now stand carpets (by )

Once I lamented that I don't like carpets because I'm always trying to clean liquids out of them, while knowing that I'll never truly succeed.

Well, with a lingering smell of kitten urine in the lounge becoming a bit too much to bear, and Jean tired of being stuck in her playpen rather than being allowed to crawl free, we went out Thursday morning and splashed out on:

The Mighty Machine

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I must be MAD! (by )

Ok so I'm supposed to be taking it easy and cutting down on the stuff am doing - but I am BORED!!!! and I still only know about 5 people in the village - so me and Al thought how am I going to make more local friends?

Oh look they are having a Scout open day as they are reopening the Scout groups here after over 20 yrs of absence even though the County things are here :/ we could go along suggests Al and maybe you can help out a bit as you miss Thriftwood so much. Yes I agree. So we went - this was Sunday afternoon - it was nice weather - we chatted we played giant connect a four, we baked dough twizzle things on an open fire. Somehow my interest in helping had been turned into 'wants to be a leader come along on Thursday'. So I went along last night - and well erm.... I've said its only temporary but I appear to now be going to be running Beavers and Scouts - MEW!!!!!

They are on the same night though so not too bad - Al thinks this will actually be good for me as I tell other people to carry the heavey stuff and appart from a bit of organising and the like I'll be doing the sort of thing I love - the sort of thing I did full days of at Thriftwood. Of course I have to do some training but that doesnt look to bad either - especially as I wanted to redo my First Aid anyway as I think it expired about a month ago!

I have to learn knotts but hey that should be fun - at the moment I know about five - all of which are climbing ones plus the handcuff not which I'm sure I learnt on route to some 'firemans' sling thing - honest guve!

I've made sure they know about the medical situation and stuff as well - so hopefully it should all be fine.

Sigh - I've already started thinking about what I am going to do as activities :/ I think I might be being too uber keen here.

So I have just increased my sadness quoter by about 50% but hey we had our wedding reception at a Scout Campsite - so I think I'm already tarred with that brush - what with being a Geek/hippy/goth/erm dont put me in a box person through my youth (I think I still just count in their groupings as youth - being 25!).

Oh Lordy - ok Sarah don't panic - panic is the mind killer - erm I think I've writen a post like this once before - oh yes just before everything went pear shaped - oh well lightning doesnt strick twice does it? Oh dear it does doesnt it - ok ok just flow with it and see where it takes you!

p.s. I forgot to mention the cute baby piglet!!! It was there on Sunday - it was just hrs old and being hugged in a blanket fed milk - the kids werent petting it before people get stressed it was there as its mothers ill and its siblings had all been still births and one of the organisers happens to be a farmer and she couldn't really not come and it doesnt harm the piglet it was warm and being fed and kids are less noisy than piglets. Did I mention its cute? And large!

Integrated Publishing (by )

Integrated Publishing, as far as I can tell, are an outfit who get the US military to release their training manuals under Freedom of Information Act requests, then (due to US laws that government works are in the public domain) sell them as books.

They have a load of cool information about all sorts of topics, from the nuclear interlock system in the missile handling systems of a naval ship to electronics, maths, and the disturbing M18A1 claymore mine.

It's worth a browse.

Doodles (by )

Ok I know I promised ages ago to show you all some of my art work but I havent got round to the scanning etc... I have some shoddy pics here I took with the camera of my doodles in a little A5 note book I have - these really are light doodles though so dont expect anything good!.

snake men

This was me trying out ideas for webcomics - but found something too similair since 🙁


Ok I was thinking of gothulu and the like when I drew this - this all started cos a gothic horror/dark sci fi and fantisy inprint is looking for pictures.


More of the same.

club woman

This one is based on a dream I had - the style is me mucking about with ideas of how to illistrate something for Al.

shaggy man

Erm.. I was bored?


Ok this one again was working on styles for Als thing.


In desperation with the fact that I appear not to be able to draw anymore I went hunting for a book - becuase of the specific project I'm working on I was excited to find a book called Anatomy for Fantasy Artists - I copied this from just inside the front cover - 1st time I've done a copy like this in 4yrs :/

angry man

I was attempting to manga/cartoonise a photo here.

barbas duaghter

This is another one from the book - its supposed to be the barber's daughter - the book makes a big point on how difficult it is too draw children and how right they are - I was copying and have managed too draw her older sister who is blatently a teenager!


Floatling heads - I was just trying slightly different styles.


Yes well it was late ok.

dragon head

I was crossing over styles with this - just doodling really as they all are!

fat face

Again just trying out different styles.


Ok I was trying to make someone look ill - and the pen slipped but its a nose bleed ok!

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