The Jean Alarm Clock (by )

This morning I was awoken by Jean being lowered onto me being told to hug mummy!

She then proceeded to pick up my glasses from the side of the bed and try to poke my eyes out with them - obviously she knows where the glasses go!

Her baby sign is really coming on now - she says poo but unfortunatly she does this sign when breaking wind also. Shes developed some of her own signs as well like more done with both hands when she really wants something and is going to cry if you dont get it. She points to things with a huge degree of accuracy now aswel!

She has said Lion but only once - mind due it was the day she got a board book about a lion and we opened a birthday presant that was a singing lion!

To day she went and got a plum from the fruit bowl by herself and eat it - well she eat half of it and then shared it with me - she really likes feeding me and sharing her food - I wounder if this is becuase me and Al tend to share what ever we are eating with her?

I think I may have been over cleaning the cupboards and stuff in the kitchen as when I gave Jean a basin with a little bit of water in it to play with she started cleaning the cupboards with it!

She also does the cuttest little wiggle dance when music comes one or you start dancing - we have some cute picks and little video clips that we must upload for all you baby fans out there!

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