Sarah not happy :'( (by )

We've just come back from a morning of drs appointments followed by hospital visit for x-rays - sigh. I think my body has a secret conspiricy to make my life stupid!

Ok - its not serious at least so I should be greatful. At the moment there are three senarios

1)It is something like I had in the pregnancy - hence x-rays but this is unlikely as the dr couldnt here and thing and I have no temperature or anything like that.

2)I have suddenly developed asthma at 25

3)My body is confussed becuase I have had the flue/chest infection that was bad but gone now leaving bruising and inflammation of my wind pipes. So my body would be trying to cough up irritation that is no longer there but in doing so cuases inflammation etc... which in turn agravates things.

Number three is the most likely - this is poo as it means there is no treatment and its up to my body to sort things out which is of course part of the problem 🙁 No antibiotics or antivirals will work as there is no infection. No cough mixture will work, but I shouldnt worry about the blood unless the amount of it I cough up increases - Oh and of course theres the whole weight lose thing - have I lost weight drastically recently = yes of course I have thats what I'm supposed to be doing!!!!

But your cloths arent suddenly hanging off of you are they?

Yes - cos I've gone down several dress sizes - I assumed it was the exercises I was doing 🙁 But it could apparently be to do with the cough.

So once again I await test results - once again it looks like I have something - minorally debillitating that is untreatable and once again it looks like its due the propensity of my stupid body to inflame things!

Lets see:

An inflamation disorder of some sort affects my digestive track Inflamation around my back injury is causing most of the pain and problems Cant remember which way round this goes but problems with immune system = swollen spleen or visa versa 🙁 And now breathing problems becuase of inflamation in me tubes 🙁

Great I knwo what this means - this means that I'm gonna get arthritis in the long run 🙁

Oh well no point worrying about it until the tests come back.

Sorry to be winging about the health issues once again - just a bit fed up.

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