DDOS Attack – why the Salaric Shops not Working (by )

Mew :'(

The reason that my shop has not been working - is that Cafe Press are experiancing a Targeted Distrabuted Denial of Service!

This is bad especially at christmas - those of you that managed to actually view the site I'd linked to may have seen the complete hash of it, that occured becuase I was trying to add a section when the service went 'intermittent'. I have not been able to go and change it as my site isnt up long enough to do so!

But at least I have that much access many have none at all. I am lucky in that this is not my main source of income - infact I have yet to make any money from it at all, but for many it is their livily hood - not to mention the Cafe Press people themselves.

As they cannot get any information out like credit card numbers I woundered why someone would bother with this unless they hated a site - what I've found out makes me sad.

ie someone out there must be using lots of computers to target the server(s) to bring it down - their are two other reasons I can think of why someone would do this - ones blackmail - ie pay us or we wont stop doing this or to destroy a competitor just as you launch! Internet businesses have fickle customers - if the site is down you go and find another!

Mew mew mew 🙁

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