Babes in the Snow (by )

Yesturday we took Jean out in the snow - now there was snow last year but she was not old enough to appriciate it!

First tentative stepsDaddy and Jean in the snow

The first rule she learnt was that its better to have gloves on rather than off - she normally just pulls them straight off and struggles if you try to put them back on but outside she cried if one accidently fell off and would point at it so one of us would pick it up and put it back on her!

Daddy put my glove back on

Hydrogen who followed us and explored tentitively until she found what great fun pouncing snow was! She got snow on her nose though and for about an hour after we came back in the house she sat on a chair infront of the fire sneezing - in a comical cartoon kind of way!

Kitten printKitten in the snowkitten by the garagekitten exploring

Al tried to show Jean how to make snow balls but she was a bit uncertian! This didn't stop me and Al having a snowball fight though!

Snowball fight!What do we do with it now daddy?not sure about this

Al then build a snow man out the front of the double garage! Jean 'helped'.

Daddy and Jeanbuilding the snow cat

We then went up onto the lawn so Jean could play but she seemed a bit uncertian about what exactly was going on!

JeanWhat's happened to the world?

So we built a snow cat! Ok well it was supposed to be another snowman but I made a misshapen head that looked like a cat so we decided to go with that instead - Hydrogen seemed to be drawn to it so I think it must have been a pretty good snowcat!

Snow cat and kittenToo much cuteness

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