Tony Blair (by )

Well - I've been hearing on the radio that he has resind and bits of his speech where he claims that Britian is better off than it was before him.

I became very angry when I hard his examples - he asks the question when was the last time you heard of someone on a year long waiting list for hospital treatment - erm.... well I have only really been having the hospital treatment since he's been in power and I have had to wait pretty much a year for alot of the procedures and some have been perminatly canceled etc...

Some I waited over two years for - I really was not amused to hear this nonsense uttering from his mouth.

Now I'm not particually political but I found his claims far fetched and delusional at best. And what hits me hard is remembering the night he came to power - it was my GCSE's and we were coming back from a threater trip to see Le Miserabler (sorry don't do English spelling so I have no chance with French) and we all cheered - do you know why?

Becuase we thought that it was the end of the threats of taking University grants away - yeah - we thought our future was secured. But instead we were the first year forced to take loans, the first year to end up with a millstone of debt around our necks before we even started. Then the man proceeds to devalue our qualifications with continual dumbing down and insistance that every one should go through Uni.

I could continue for ages here but I will not - now I do believe he is telling the trueth that he was always doing what he considered the right thing for the country but that doesnt actually help anything does it?

So what now?

Is any other politician going to be any better - I have never seen one that represents me and the things I think (I still vote as maybe just maybe I can make a difference and also what right would I have to moan otherwise? Plus people died to give me this right and I am not going to throw it away).

I look at things look at people I've seen in charge small scale and those that don't want to be incharge but end having to be are far better leaders than those that are striving to rule, looking for power and being preditory in their persuit of it.

Sarah goes off to quietly seeth at the stupidness of humanity and depressed at the thought that we are in a preverlaiged country and that things are a lot worse on other parts of the globe.


  • By Charlee, Thu 10th May 2007 @ 6:43 pm

    Couldn't've put it better myself.

  • By ella gale, Fri 11th May 2007 @ 2:38 pm

    Gargh! Yes I agree. I dislike almost all of his policies. His impressive nhs, see-a-specialist-right-away policy inolved me seeing a Dr in the hospital who told me there was nothing she could do for me that wouldn't make it worse. Kinda like the country perhaps? Then there's the loans I had to take out, I thought that was why people like my dad paid taxes? And the destruction of grammar schools (the easiest way to improve things for the working class).

    Weirdly, although if I were put into power tomorrow I would reverse almost all of his policies, and despite the fact he lies, I have a sort of grudging respect for him, mostly because he will do what he thinks is morally right, even at the risk of complete unpopularity. And also he is one of the few politicians to not have cheated on his wife (I'm sure hte press have been looking). This is not enough to make me vote for him, but it does make me wonder why he has to resign and leave Brown in charge.

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