Disapointment (by )

I'm afriad I have not blogged for a while now this was mainly due to the fact that I just couldnt face typing yet more depressing news. The builders who I had been waiting for didnt turn up and after the normal five different people and no one knowing who I am game I finially got through to the actual builders. 'Ah yes we've been trying to contact you, the insurance company says its got to go back to the assessors and that we cant start work yet. Sorry luv' Mew! Mew! Mew!

So we are back to the old waiting game and getting back into the house stretches further away than ever before.

The to our insurence payout for the contence, they say we have to fill in some magical form they sent us the week of the flood and that without it we can not get our money - I can not find the form - sigh.

Hydrogen cost me another £20 in antibiotics becuase the poor little things wound was still oozing sticky gunk which wasn't good, I have to pick the stuff off of her everyday and wash her and make sure that the scabs over where her drain came out is scratched off and the wound kept open to drain. (Hope that made scense to someone).

Mum still has a gaping wound and so radiotherapy starts after christmas when hopefully it will have at least started to heal. Once on radiotherapy it has been advised that we dont go and see her as Jean will give her colds and stuff.

Sigh. Sorry I know this is all abit moany and stuff and I hope to have some cheerful stuff for you soon. But for now GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

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