A Day with Out Alaric Again (by )

Monday and Tuesday I didn't have Alaric or Dad here nor was there Barbara for most of it and I just cried alot and pretty much did nothing other than trying not to cry infront of Jean who has decided mummy is sad and keeps stroking me.

Wednesday Al went off and did his Cub stuff anyway and I found myself on my own in the evening. Thursday I walked around Cheltenham in a daze waiting for my poetry reading. mysteriously I came home with two pairs of very lovely boots - these cost me under ten pounds for both - not entirely sure how I managed that. Friday just curlled away from me and I spent the day chasing things I'd neglected and typing up a children's story I've written.

Now its Saturday and Alaric is off chasing work and then has the Farrier Stomp with Scouts which is an annual night hike thing and will absorb him for the whole evening. I need him at the moment but unfortunatly we also need him to work. Alex's death has left a whole becuase though generally I didn't, I had the option of asking him round when it was a week like this or I could at least txt him and know that I had a friend who could come and see me. Thats gone now and I have almost texted him several times now.

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