Write a Novel in a Month (by )

November is apparently the month and this year my friend Ella who did indeed manage to write a novel in a month has invited me to join her South Hampton group. I will of course be a fringe member and therefore excussed for not being at all the meetings. I will also be doing the lower word count as I'll be doing my Masters course.

I am currently trying to decide which one of my stories to concentrate on as I can get all the research and stuff before hand then and just you know write!

I suppose I could start the second novel to the one I've already writen - The Drs Wife which is currently in editing/being typed up. Its about 85, 000 words and for what ever reason I chose to write it out in long hand. For those who are interested it would probably come under the headings: Romance, women's empowerment literature and possibly just litertary. I however call it and the other follow on books - Chick lit for geeks.

This doesn't cure my accute embarrasement over writing gulp romance - I want to write Sci-fi!

So please keep it quiet.

NaNoWriMo is what abreviates to as its apparently national novel writing month - more can be found out about it here http://www.nanowrimo.org/.

I am hoping to go down to Winchester for bits of this which should be fun.

Still wondering what I should write about though - should I write the next novel in the series or will the fact I'm editing something so similar make it all samey? Should I actually try and finish one of my scifi efforts? Even though I will probably get stuck and have to do a lot of research which is not ideal in the middle of a Research degree :/

Should I try for fantasy even though it always turns into scifi or horror though I will probably then not sleep for more than a month! (Scaring myself with my own stories is quiet common with me!)

I am wondering weather I should just start typing and see where that takes me but with so many things already started that seems a bit silly!

The goal is 175 pages which is apparently 50, 000 words which is actually quiet a short novel. I am setting myself a personal goal of 30, 000 words which is a 1000 words a day becuase my Masters comes first. I would love to hit the 50, 000 mark but we will see 🙂

Am I crazy? Yes! But then you all knew that already.


  • By ella gale, Tue 23rd Sep 2008 @ 2:26 pm


    Pick a story that seems easy to write. Or pick something different. Or if you want you can write 50 000 words on something you've already started. You're supposed to start afresh, but that's for people that have writer's block not people who have several things on the go. I'll be writing novel 4b, which I'm not writing at the moment, but I looked at it today and discovered that I had already done about a chapter's worth (though it was originally the ending for 4a).

  • By Sarah, Wed 24th Sep 2008 @ 9:55 pm

    My main thing this month has been childrens stories but I know that they are no where near long enough. Though there might actually be one about a hamster that would possibly fit - its very Redwall! Although I don't think even red wall had aliens and kungfu hamsters in it :/

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