The Big C – Take 2 (by )

Mum's biopsy results came back yesturday and the lump was cancerous so now she has to go under the knife for a third time and this time they are removing the lymph nodes (as I thought they should have done last time). There will a third partial mastectimy followed by another lot of radiotherapy.

This is almost a year after her treatment started last time and she has only just started to get her life back in order. Now we are worse than back to square one and the thing that makes me the angriest is that it was there when they where treating the first lot. So they have left her with a cancerous lump for year which could have become malignant and decided to send little baby cancers through her body - I presume we wont know if thats the case until they look at the lymph nodes. Then there is the trumer of operations and the knock on effects of anestitics.

What exactly do they think they are doing?

And so we are back to minuse square one.

She goes in for her operation on her's and dads thirtieth wedding anniversary - we had been hoping to do something joint for that and her sixtieth birthday but I think we might have to see how things go 🙁

1 Comment

  • By Charlee, Tue 7th Oct 2008 @ 4:11 pm

    So sorry to hear that. I really truly hope they start sorting your Mum out soon, no-one deserves this, let alone such a wonderful woman.

    Can you change health authorities? Or consultants to a specialist to get a better outcome/treatment? I have an inkling they recently passed rules that allow patients more choice?

    Fingers crossed for the 3rd op, and I hope it's the last, and you can all start recovering soon.

    Take care of each other x

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