Deaf, dumb and blind (by )

The scene: I'm happily working away in London. Sarah is at home, and finds that the Internet connection is down. So she resets the wifi AP and the router and so on, but it doesn't get better. So she rings me.

I can't ping the router from afar, and a traceroute ends at an address that I don't think looks like the last hop before the ADSL link from memory, so I file a ticket with the ISP and get on with work.

But there's no reply to the ticket, so I ring, and sit in a queue, which eventually hangs me up.

So I google and find:

186k, Elite Internet, Mailbox Internet Services Go Bust?

Ah. Apparently my broadband ISP has become one with the Force. So Sarah can't get any work done at home, and I'll have to figure something out so that I can get some work done when I go home, and we'll need to join the queue for a MAC code to migrate to a new broadband provider, which we'll have to choose. And I doubt we'll get back any of the money - we paid a year in advance...



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