Jean typing (by )

Jean had fun in nursery yesturday. They're doing a Chinese new year theme, so she was talking excitedly about "Chinese New Ear" all the way home and breaking the nice little hat she'd made.

Sarah had to go to a meeting, so Jean and I had the evening to ourselves. Since I'm often away in London, I wanted to make a treat of this for Jean, so I cooked her pasta (her favourite) and we watched some film together, but then she said she wanted to type on my laptop, so we gave it a go.

I asked her to choose words, then I showed her the letters to spell them out. I was glad to see that she naturally pressed the keys properly, rather than holding them down as many people do. She got quite into this, especially when I started feeding her typings to the speech synthesiser. I turned on caps lock after a while so the on-screen letters would look the same as the ones on the keys. She tried a few nonsense words of her own as well as ones I spelt out for her, too. Here's what she typed:


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