Opps and Mew (by )

I have lots of stuff to blog about but I had abit of a crash after the party and have now misplaced my card reader which is a pain :/ I would also like it if people could send me picks that are large files even if they are on face book - I sort of want to make an online album/webpage thing.

We've had @ndy staying here since the party and had an easter egg hunt for Jean - we have been brimming with people but now @ndy's back to London and Alaric more importantly is off to Ammerica 🙁

I have also not been emailed the results of when I used the microprobe and have deadlines coming up and the scout cover was not organised as apparently I had to phone someone over easter to organise everything the kids were doing anyway - erm... thats the hard bit people - thats the bit that makes me tired - turning up to run an evening isnt really the stressful bit its all the paper work and stuff. Grrrr!!! So looks like I'm still doing scouts - so much for the 'taking it easy' break.

Sorry guys feeling abit stressed at the mo - but basically just blogging to say sorry there aren't any funky photos yet!

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