Swine Flu and a Drs Note (by )

I am still having issues with eating due to being sick, and it wasn't only throwing up - I happen to have started bleeding when I go to the toliet. this hasn't happened in a long time so it was a bit of a shock.

It's quiet alot too and I'm just so tired all the time. I have now been sick with something continously for months and the dr had said if ever the bleeding and stuff came back they would do more investigating - I currently have a diagnosis of IBS and ulcers which the dr thought was a bit strange.

I've just been feeling so run down and been sleeping lots. The throwing up and stuff hasn't exactly helped and I have started shaking when I try and do just normal things.

So Al phones up and being in the country side we normally get appointments pretty quick - he phoned earlier this week and the earliest they can see me is Wednesday morning. My persingtation for the MRes is Wednesday and I am really very very behind with it all. College are saying I need a Drs note reguardless of weather I submit my work on time as well.

I think its becuase of the swine flu scare - the Drs are being swamped by panicky people. Of course I happen to be exibiting symptoms of the dreaded virus but fortunatly came down sick whilst he was in Amarica! So unless I have found a temporal worm whole I think I'm safe and just run down :/

Unfortunatly my cousin and his fiance happen to currently be in Mexico right where the earthquake has happened and stuff so that is a bit concerning especially for my aunt 🙁

I'm just hoping the Dr gives me a sick note - not really sure how this all works - at IC my personal tutor just used to email the dr but there the health centre was sort of part of the university :/ And the one I needed during the pregnancy Al just sort pounced a nurse or something :/

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