School! (by )

Jeany will be starting school in September at 4 and a few days old and last night was an open evening at the school.

We went there straight from the Pre-School which ment we had a tired grumpy Jean with us - not how I would have chosen the teachers to see her but never mind.

School day will start at 8:45 and ends at 3 but for the first term (might have been half term can't remember!) she will only be doing mornings and then they disguess with you about them going full time. This was a bit of a shock I thought she was going to be full time from the start - she does 9-5:45 at the nursery currently and yes that would be too much if she was doing that every day as it does make her tired but half days! that means no lunch time there either 🙁 That means that I will not have time to do anything really for that first term.

There is also no school dinner facilities there so its going to be packed lunches which is a pain in the backside as I know what I am like and sandwitches made the night and kept in the fridge are just not very nice :/

But I was impressed with the learning programme they have and went a bit - opps... as I've been doing one of the things with her anyway. For a small school it has fantastic facilities and even takes the infant class swimming! They are in 'clusters' with other schools so get to use those facilities too!

Teachers and staff seemed really friendly and I appear to know half the PTA!

July will see Jean going in for three taster afternoons which should be fun for her.

The teaching techniques are also the sort that I approve off for small children - they have themes like under the sea and animals and learning in about exploring. The litracy stuff also caters for dyslexic learners without being apparent I noticed and as each child is treated as an individual learner for those subjects this is a good thing.

They do lots of nature walks and group work too so I am hopeful that Jean will have a good time at school.

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