It’s not a case of Art Verses Science (by )

I am aware that there are funding cuts all around and that some people view the problem as art verses science and argue things like art never took part in war. But a) this is wrong art very much does take part in war - in the form of writing or visual arts - think propaganda and b) the whole concept of there being an art/science dichotomy is blatently wrong. They are not opposites, they are not diametrically apposed things.

Art and science are subdivisions of Creative, they both use similar processes in creation of new things and more over one fuels the other. Now the issue with limited finding is - how much does it cost for paint brushes verses and MRI scanner? In an ideal world there would be no limitations but that is not the case. And the thing about science funding cuts is that is going to cost lives in the short and long term. Now don't get me wrong art does save lives but it is more of an enrichment thing (not that science doesn't enrich lives but you know what I mean!).

Of course I am biased in this due to the fact I chose to study science at university when I could have studied art - the deciding factor was that I could do art anywhere anytime but for science I needed access to machines - expensive machines.

This I suppose does mean the artists have to take more of an initiative in getting themselves going which due to social constraints means it sometimes doesn't happen.

Something else I have been meaning to blog on is how 'normal' people view both artist and scientists and too my suprise it is basically the same - but more on that later!

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