Pumpkin Soup (by )

The innards of the pumpkin needed to be disposed off - I extracted the seeds, boiled it up and blended it and made bright orange soup.

Pumpkin soup

And the baby pappled it making a great big orangy mess.

Mary papples pumplin soup

The seeds I roasted in a low temperature over with a little bit of sea salt grated onto the top - these were are writing snacks 🙂

Roasted pumpkin seeds

NaNoWriMo – the family thing :) (by )

Everyone in the household is now involved in NaNoWriMo - Jean's story is amazing - I don't think she'll beat last years word count but that is fine and I've slowed her down slightly as she is producing the most articulate story and drawing pictures to boot!

The kids taking part in NaNoWriMo

Her story is based on the picture on the front of her note book! Mary of course could not be left out and so is scribbling in a little cat note book that I originally got for Alaric!

Alaric has been to his first write-in in Bristol at the Water Shed and is chuffed about his 2000 words plus. I have my first write in tomorrow (as in actual and not me and the girls and pumpkin soup.

We normally get a vat of jelly beans to see me through October and Novembers writing challenges and then through Christmas and a fair way into the new year but instead there was a Jelly Bean mug! The sort with a silicon lid that helps me not tip it all over myself and the laptop. It is purple comes with a few jelly beans and of course a new mug for my foul hot beverages is traditional for my writing madness.

New Nanoing mug instead of my Jelly Bean vat! And a Lego mascot

There is also a little lego mascot ready to help me write. I've only managed 4000 words so far but am hoping to drastically up this at the write in - to stick to my self imposed word target I need to be averaging 3000 words a day!

Lego Land part 2 (by )

More Halloween Spookies

Lego Zebra and Halloween spookiness lego snake Lego bear with pumpkin Lego Fox Cubs Lego wizard rat lego demon skeleton zombi? lego rabbit

More pictures of bits and bobs I found around the park!

Lego large cat family Lego bunny hops Lego savana Lego Lions and Ostriges Jean and Annabelle look at legpo giraffes lego hippos with real ducks lego flamingos Lego Lizard on a log Lego Bird Watchers Crates Pink Brick! Topary and lego canoeing lego otta and pumpkins Lego Otta No fear of the lego technic dinosaur lego giraffes

We went in to see a 4D film though we did sit in the dry seats which was slightly cheating! We had to wear the 3D glasses for it and though I thought it was a bit juddery the girls loved it - they tried to grab the mug of hot drink as it swung past us! There were wind effects and foam snow falling from the ceiling and a wall of fire which made them squeak! Maurice ended up storing all our glasses on his head as we queued.

Multiple glasses Maurice

We then went to the shop! Where we found a giant lego Ninja which Jean loved so much she got a little keyring version 🙂

Jean and the Ninja Legoman

We spent quiet alot of time in the shops!

kids with the lego pirate Lego pirate Lego Buzz LightYear

Jean found a Buzz Light Year to hug too 🙂

Jean hugging buzz

We then went for hot chocolates to warm up before the fireworks!

Hot Choc to Warm Up

We'd bought Jean a light wand which proved entertaining for everyone though I did take it off of Mary as it packed a punch if you stopped it and she was sticking her fingers in it to see what would happen!

Mary with Jean's light wand

Light swirl Light Whirl

We then went outside for the fireworks and discovered that even though we had asked at the beginning and told up by the shop was a good spot it was not and the good area was closed off 🙁 But it was still fantastic!

Triple Purple firework bloom

The girls found themselves a good spot between the notice board and the fence so that all those annoying adults weren't in front of them - it was raining at this point and they had my old camp blanket which had belonged to my grandmother, wrapped around them!

Jean and Annabelle squeezed in between the information board and the fence to make sure they get a good view of the fireworks White in Blue firework Red Firework Tree! Gold and White fireworks White fireworks

We then went back for some dinner - LEGO FRIES!

Tray of lego fries

Mary and Harry Shaking hands 🙂

Harry offering MAry his hand Harry and Mary holding hands

More LEGO fries!

Jean eating lego fries lego fries

Alaric had bought a Darf Vada lego man torch which he was very excited about 🙂

Alaric and his darf vader lego man torch

Annabelle helped Mary with her drink and then it was time to go!

Annabelle helping Mary with her drink

There will be more photos and a video at some point 🙂

Halloween and Nanowrimo (by )

It's November the first which means it is NaNoWriMo again - this is National Novel Writing Month though it is a global event theses days. I have roped Alaric in this year as well as he has been moping about how work on his novel has completely stopped now he no longer has comutes to London.

Pumpkin count down to NaNoWriMo

I am sending him to his first meet on his own tonight in Bristol which has a vibrant group with friends from Uni plus it is close to his Hack Space which he goes to on Thursdays anyway. I on the other hand will wait for the weekend when I shall pootle into Gloucester to go and have coffee and do some writing and catching up with my WriMo friends who ashamedly I have failed to meet up with outside of the writing yet again!

Chocolate motif halloween cupcakes

I am continuing on from the novel I started for GothNoWriMo last month - well sort of - it has actually spilt itself into three so I shall be working on the second story/book The Prophesy it is part of the Punk Canon as I am now calling everything set in my world of gentically engineered humans and older hominid race with ancient super computers and what not. This trilogy called The Godex is specifically about bio-computers and ancient blood cults - it is a psuedo horror/crime with elements of Grail type quests within.

It is doing things I didn't expect it too - the manuscript has become a living creature with its own ideas of whats happening - all I know is the over all story arch and how it fits in with The Punk tails.

Jean's star nosed pumpkin

And then because I am completely nutty I am also doing PiBoIdMo which is Picture Book Idea Month with Tara Lazar once again. It was this picture book challenge that really got the The Little Books of Poetry going. The Little Book of Spoogy Poetry already existed - just. But The Little Book of Festive Poetry and the others stemmed from this writing challenge. I shall be blogging and stuff about the kidlit over on Orange Monster but in summary I shall write up my list of ideas - some will be new some will be ones I have scattered in notebooks of which I already have hundreds :/

Pumpkin of Cranham Village

However PiBoIdMo has become something more to me - it is a month that I work on childrens books. I am hoping to get The Little Book of Festive Poetry actually in print for the public this month - at the least you shall have a down loadable ebook like I have just done with Spoogy. Last year I made 100 copies with my home printer and embellised the cover with metallic pens and things as gifts for people - some of whom will be getting them this year instead!

Autumn cakes

30 hrs minimum I shall spend on my kidlit projects this month - I did this last month in the effort to get Spoogy out there and that achieved all the illustrations and the time it took to scan, edit and put the book together.

The Little Book Of Spoogy Poetry

I love my writing and drawing challenges 🙂

The first book of The Godex - The Awakening is going out on Black Monster a 1000 words at a time - it is completely unedited and I am very dyslexic but it is there if you want to read it - or wait five years and you can buy the nice edited version 😉

And that brings me back to Halloween 🙂

Severed foot blood cake

The kids all seemed to have a great time out on their walk and floating lanterns on the stream in the village. I stayed in the hall to finish decorating the cakes and prepare the luke warm hot chocolate 🙂

Halloween and autumn cakes and jelly ghosts Cups galour Mary eating a severed finger Spider vegan halloween cupcakes Spooky cupcakes Chocolate motif halloween cupcakes Blood and body parts cupcakes autumn the cupcake way autumn leaves cupcakes

(I love my new plunger cutters for icing)

regal icing autumn leafs

Then when we got back to the house I made dinner whilst Alaric did pumpkin carving with the girls - well Jean! Mary loves her little pumpkin that Jeany chose for her (because she loved hugging the little pumpkins at the farm shop!) but all she wants to do is hug it so we decided carving it would be a bad idea so I gave her a pen to decorate it with - she was exstatic!

Pumpkin pals

We haz pumpkins! Jean preparing the pumpkin for Daddy to carve MAry drawing on her huggable pumpkin Jean giving Mary advice on where to draw the cats and spiders on her pumpkin Mary Happily drawing on her pumpkin Baby Mary preparing to attack the pumpkin

They then went off to bed happy and I helped Alaric find his way round the NaNoWriMo forum and website 🙂

Pumpkin face

I was tempted to stay up and start writing but my wrists were a bit achy from the icing of cakes so I decided to rest well instead and lo! I am writing - well have been already this morning - now obviously I have a Mary to look after but here we go!

Oh and Jean's doing Nano again this year too 🙂 She is armed with the pink glitter monster notebook Ulrike gave her - she has spent about half an hour on characterisation and tonight after school (and a bit of room tidying) we will be having our very own little writ in - I even have toffee apple chocolate fingers 🙂

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