Exercise and A Diet That’s Wise (by )

Mummy and Daddy fitting the exercise bar whilst Jean takes photos

Today whilst out for a walk we decided to pop into a Lidel and there we found a 7 quid exercise bar - we have been after one of these since we lived in the flat in Essex but it had some how never happened. So we fitted it - the above picture shows it took both of us! And yes Jean took the photo 🙂

Popeye Jean Alaric pulling the exercise bar

We then all had a go on it - you are not seeing the photo of me trying as well - Alaric said it made me look bloated :/ I can not lift myself at all but just trying I think will help things. Also today is not a good day as anemia stuff if acting up and I've had a bit of set back with muscle spasms so am a bit weak at the moment.

On the other hand I am doing the Kinnect Adventures game each day - I earn a cloth badge a day and that is enough to get me very breathless and sweaty - this is great. The problem I've had before is that by the time I get anywhere to exercise I am shattered but this is I can just turn on and go!

The other restriction to one game (plus the warm up it makes you do) is that the pelvis still can't take prolonged amounts of strain. I am not seeing an improvement yet but then we are only five days in!

Food wise I am grumpy - as I was before Christmas - ever since they started giving me hormones in various ways to stop the bleeding I have been hungry. I mean hungry all the time. And I thought that it was because I was eating the wrong types of food etc... but no I am still hungry all the time. The only time I have ever experienced anything like it is during pregnancy and I suppose that is the problem the hormones are mimicking pregnancy.

Still the damn thing is coming out at the end of the month though god knows what will happen to the bleeding then but I really do not want one back in - it was fine whilst I thought that it had just slipped but to have it stuck... Anyway I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I am making sure I drink the 7 glasses of water a day having herbal tea etc... I also picked up some dried cherries and things today to have as a sweet snack as I'm down to only savoury seeds and things.

I made a lovely chick pea thing yesterday as part of my whole foods thing - not raw this time but whole food is good as it makes the body work to digest - of course raw does this more so but I hate cold food that's not salad or fruit or sweet things!

It does seem stupid though that I am having to use martial arts training to not scoff my face off. It probably wouldn't be such an issue if I was properlly mobile but I am not!

Oh well all I can do is try my best.

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