Kenyan Jean (by )

Jean dressed up as a Kenyan

So Jean has run out of reading books to read at school so they are giving her factual books instead, so far she has brought home ones on photography, democracy, Egypt and this weeks one was Kenya. She got very excited about this as I had done a talk on my time in Kenya a few weeks previously for Al's cub pack.

She started asking me questions and then disappeared upstairs - there was a picture of typical Kenyan dress so she ferreted through stuff and produced a costume she announced to be Kenyan Jean.

It was: my mothers old belly dancing outfit or harem pants from the 60's, tights with rainbow wellies (she said it was too cold for no shoes and sandles), then she had on a t-shirt with a sparkly 2000 on it covered in her victorian style red coat. On her head my hawaiian wrap around skirt - it was surprisingly effective though it looked more Ethiopian too me compared to what I saw in Kenya though I'm aware there were different styles of dress depending on Tribe etc...

She went to the park like it - initially I was worried that people might take it the wrong way but then I thought - you know she is not taking the micky she is interested in another culture and playing and as it was people only smiled.

Also I pointed out she looked a bit like my nan as she always used to wear a head scarf to stop the wind mucking up her hair! (think Mrs Figg out of Harry Potter!).

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