Construction Toys (by )

Plan view of Antropolis Jean's Antropolis

Construction toys like stickle bricks, lego, play mobile and umpteen others are fabulous but soooo expensive. We tend to get them in lu of other gifts which seem funkier as they are the toys that just keep giving. They are not that age dependent as the older the child gets the more complex the items they build with it. It improves spacial awareness and hand eye coordination, it taps straight into engineering and with things like lego technic it begins to be something more.

But it is not just science and engineering that it feeds into, it relies on the child's imagination, it is design skills and then it is pure and simple play, once they have made the set up they want. Above is Jean's Antropolis or Ant City. She imagines all the little ants making their homes in the stickle bricks and how they would interact with each other, how they would get there in the first place. The stickle bricks were a christmas present for Mary who is happy to act as stickle brick goffer fetching the little spiked rectangles for her sisters latest piece of ant arctecture.

It has gotten to the point that I am story boarding the escapades of these ants which Jean reads when she remembers.

Maybe one day I will draw up the adventures of Ant Ee Matter and Antropolis and yes he has a cape.

The point is that we think construction toys are one of the best things to give children and we have also found a set of convertors you can print on a 3D printer so you can make lego and stickle bricks and all the others fit together into one huge great big uber construction kit!

I'm not sure who is more excited about this - me or the kids or Al!

Of course you need access to a 3D printer - oh look - hello Bristol Hack Space have we told you how much we love you?

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