National Poetry Day UK 2018 (by )

Today is National Poetry Day - so I shall be spending the day on various social media sites and blogs sharing all the stuff from the archives - namely the writing exercises and write ups on interesting writers.

Where you can find me:

Sarah Snell-Pym Writer and Artist
Pinterest Wopo Inspired

Where you can read my poetry:

Turquoise Monster
Snell-Pym Poetry
Orange Monster
Magenta Monster

Where you can find writing exercises:

World Poetry Writing Month
Magenta Monster

Poetry is a pretty big thing for me - I never thought it was going to be, I kind of thought the whole thing wasn't for me. I like what I like and that has little to do with the academic studies of the poetic form. I like poems in different styles from different times and cultures and so on. I find people being elitist and pretentious about it all... annoying and ignorant.

That is one of the reasons that I have backed the local poetry festivals the way I have - they offered spaces for voices that were rarely heard and the internet also helped.

This month I am lucky in that I am hosting events at the Gloucester Poetry Society and I am taking part in a Slam over in Cheltenham (still not sure about the competition part of the slam culture but I like the events over all and the people I see there - they are fun and diverse).

I've been going through my poetry and trying to decide how best to move forward with it all - I have singularly failed to actually submit work once again but thanks to people chasing me I am in a couple of pamphlets which are to be release later this month I believe.

I have several collections that were stalled with head injury and what not which I should really revisit and sort out and I have a few more zines that are pretty much ready to go!

But I also want to produce more books with other people - I liked WigglyPet Press's involvement with last years poetry anthology but it has now been out for a year so I feel that it is time for me to publish something new!

At the moment I am thinking of something themed around space, the cosmos, exploration and the unknown but I have not decided on the format yet!

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