Category: Cranham Scout Group

We Survived! (by )

We surivived Space Camp though Al did get rather muddy and I got rather glittery!

We Made aliens and rockets, pitched tents and hiked (ok so I didnt hike as my pelvis and Jeany wouldnt allow it but Al did), made mothers day cards, looked at the stars, drew the moon and made posters of the solar system, watched Zathura (or what ever the space Jurmungy is called, in fact I dont know how to spell Jermungy so that probably doesnt help!), made planispheres and made a model of the solar system out of the cubs!

I did get a bit carried away though and ended up explaining the rock types on the moon! Mind dew on of the cubs was keen to discuss M-theory and parasitic universes and the like! My knowledge of Scifi also ment that I understood most of what the kids were going on about whilst alot of the other adults looked a bit blank (I not sure this is a good thing as half of it is kiddies programmes!).

Poor Jean desperatly wanted to go on the hike with the cubs - there they all were getting ready to go and she bought me her shoes, hat, gloves, scarf mittens and wellys. I desided we could wave them off - but not sure this was the kindest thing as poor Jean stood at the gate little arms stretched through it calling to the kids as they disappeared up the field - she really really wanted to follow them - made me feel really crewl.

Still I really enjoyed the weekend even if I did end up making cards with 30 kids at once when I had been expecting 10!

Space Camp (by )

We're off on Space camp this weekend with the Scouts and Cubs!

Looking forward to it 🙂

Departing Beavers (by )

Wednesday I felt very sad - the gradule take over of the Beaver Colony by One of the perants happened very rapidly. Less than two weeks and I stupidlt felt sad and a bit rentful instead of relieved as I should have.

I think I had become too attatched to the kids, what made me the most upset was the thought that I wouldn't get to see them until they are Scouts which of course is stupid as a)I'm still supposed to hoover around Beavers for now and b) Al runs Cubs so I'm going to see them as Cubs and the fist ones go up to Cubs in April.

It was a strange emotional reaction I completely wasn't prepeared for!

Still this will reduce the amount of time Scouting is currently taking up which is to be frank too much but then we were running 3 sections between the two of us and that really is not sustainable for any length of time!

No one will call me Otter now though :'(

Cranham Scout Group now has a web site (by )

I've just registered and set up:

This is to prevent people looking for the scout group just ending up on our personal blog... Enjoy!

Yeti Hunt (by )

Well, today, we had all three sections tramping around hunting a Yeti.

I was the Yeti. Dressed in a rather fine costume Sarah's mother produced, I was covered head to foot in white fur.

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