Category: Recipies

A Day of Pain and Gain (by )


I woke up early yesterday as in 4:30 in the morning, it was tipping it down and I was in pain, arthritis/joint pain and I had to take pain killers, so I got up and did some writing. Dawn was miserable and grey and you could hardly tell it was daylight if I am honest and I was miserable. I had been planing on walking to the library with the girls.

However, the baby slept in and Jeany was happy to play mathletics so I went back to bed with more drugs and awoke a couple of hours later feeling just a bit achy and sore and the rain had stopped. I got dressed and retrieved an awake but happy MAry from her cott and set the girls up with a film whilst I awaited the boiler service men. They came, had tea, chatted with me about bands from the 80's , said the boiler was fine and went. I packed water and nappy changing stuff for Mary etc... and off we went to the library - walking - I managed this last week with Alaric but knew it was the edge of my endurance.

My pelvis was creaking by the time I got there but I managed it and the girls sat there happily reading the books . for about 45 minutes - all told we were there for about an hour. Jeany has finished the summer reading challenge as of last week but Mary has been getting her little passport stamped and it was her turn to get a certificate. I am hoping to take her to the Tuesday rhyme time there but it is quiet a walk for me still - it took me about an hour to walk each way though I do go rather slowly.

We left ladened with books and Jean navigated us home, I then remembered that I had planned for us to blackberry on the way home as I'd noticed some were looking ripe on the way to the library last week but I had completely forgotten and we had no tubs or bags or anything on us 🙁

Then Jeany had an idea and we drank the water from her water bottle and Mary's beaker and filled those up with them 🙂

It worked really well and there were soooooo many berries! I quiet want to make a black berry wine this year so need loads of the things!

Jean has requested crumble and Mary cake so we shall see, especially as several people have been asking about the hedgerow jam again as well and there are enough elderberries and rose hips and things along the way that I think it should be possible.

It was a hard day physically but I feel I achieved alot and I have at the very least I have gained some blackberries. I am sore today, but not too bad.

Creativiti Tea – Summer (by )

This weekend we hosted the second ever Creativiti Tea which was quiet frankly epic - though the actual event was on the Sunday the first person arrived Friday evening all the way from London! Two more arrived on Saturday when the BBQ ended up being cooked under the grill whilst Alaric did various bits of his programming projects and began work once again on the furnace.

Creativi Tea

We played board games and Jeany got an early birthday present which was Dr Who Monopoly!

The Games Master

Girls playing Dr Who Monopoly

I baked cakes (they are never as good as Al's ones and I was a bit out of practice with the icing!) - including mini vegan banana bread with red currents (these are from my parents garden I planted a red current stem when I was 13 and now they have taken over the garden - I am attempting to find more things to do with them than make jelly!).

Cakes! Creativi Tea

rose cakes for Creativi Tea

mini vegan banana bread

Then at 10 am Creativi Tea began properly. Mainly we were writing - I personally wrote about 3000 words, we had people working on novels, poetry, short stories and more!

Writing at Creativi Tea

In the kitchen glueing and sticking were a foot.

sticking on rhine stones at creativi tea

Along with bead work - ankle bracelets seemed to be the thing.

Beading at Summer Creativi Tea

Then there was sewing - mainly cat nip mice from old cloths - the cat nip was home grown by our friend Charlee.

cat nip mouse made by Jean and Charlee

Tom puss at least loves the cat nip mouse!

Tom puss finding a cat nip mouse

And I mean he really loves it!

I loves my cat nip mouse

A teddy bear was cut out and partially sewn together and the beginnings of a ball were started.

upcycled teddy bear cut out and ready to sew

Music crept in with the odd bit of laptop composing and the Hammond Organ getting switched on 🙂

music at Creativi Tea

I sold £15 worth of books for Shelter (the books will be there until Christmas if anybody else is interested).

Book sale for Shelter

And we showed Charlee how to make sushi.

Sushi making at Creativi Tea

We geeked and created and played games and laughed and drank lots of tea 🙂 I am looking forward to organising the Autumn Creativi Tea which will also be my book launch! And also my friend Claire gave me the most beautiful roses 🙂


Oh and Jean's butterfly garden produced a butterfly 🙂

Tortoise Shell Butterfly

We had lots of fun and Alaric seems to have gotten one of our friends into learning Lojban - which had us all thinking about actual meanings of our names - turns out there is an older meaning for Sarah than princess - essence or core, pure centre... etc. I love finding out new things 🙂

Red Nose Day 2013 (by )

Catching up on all my photos again 🙂

Cake Pop red noses

We had a three fold Red Nose Day spanning several days!

Red nose day cherry cakes

I made cakes for the Cubs. Red nose cake pops, cherry scone things which were diary and wheat free along with the dinosaurs, and cupcakes in red cake cases.

Wheat/Gluten Free Vegan dinosaur cakes

I made up games and craft activities such as get the red noses in the hoops, draw the red nose on Alaric, make a fluffy red nose and so on.

Then Friday Mary had to go to Nursery in red spotty clothing - Al whisked her away before I could take a photo 🙁 But I did manage to get Jeany and her Wacky Hair 🙂

Jean's wacky hair Multicoloured hair Rainbow hair for Red Nose Day

The it was off to Centre Arts who were doing Red Nose Day stuff in the shopping centre in Cheltenham. there was a cake competition which I had forgotten all about!

Red Nose Day Giant Cup Cake

The Giant Cupcake was baked by Vanilla Pod Bakery and was raffled off for £45. The Red Nose was made by one of the ladies at the centre and was actioned for £20.

Red Nose Cake

Recipes for my bakes will be appearing on Salaric Cooking.

Spring Creativi Tea (by )

Creativi Tea

Sunday saw the first ever Creativi Tea - I had wanted to run them last year but never got around to it what with all that moving mand festivals and what not.

Creativi Tea essentials

So I invited people, and got tea stuff ready and baked cakes.


Lemon and lime - lime sponge with lemon butter icing and lots of butterflies 🙂 Which Al's cousins gave me 🙂

Creativi Tea sarni time

I made sandwiches - ham, cheese and humous to cater for vegi and vegan and meat treats people. And I had crisps in butterfly bowls because I am me and the house is infested with the creatures 😉

crisp butterfly

And then it was time for people to appear - I wasn't sure what people would want to be doing as I'd said bring your own project or tell me what you want to learn. Most people turned up with writing so were clustered in the lounge.

The creative vibe at Creativi Tea

There was a variety of writing going on from poetry to prose, to essays to novels to short stories to computer programming. Even Jeany got in on the act writing and illustrating a lovely story about a mutant girl and her dad.

Like Father Like Daughter

People were being very British about not actually taking the cakes until Jeany broke the icing (literally).

Cupcake mmmm

In the kitchen sewing and knitting occured - mainly Alaric finishing off the bag he began making me at Centre Arts during a sewing course I sent him on as his valentines day present.

Alaric sewing at Creativi Tea

I was sad I had some people drop out due to weather and moto bikes breaking and fuel costs and writing events but it worked really well. Extra nibbles even arrived with people 🙂 Having noisy/messy stuff in the kitchen and the quieter stuff in the living room worked really well.

I am planning on running one of these a season 🙂 If you want to be invited to the next one let me know!

Here are more pictures of cakes as I know you all love them 😉

Pink Butterfly cupcake White rose plant pot cupcake with yellow butterflies Butterfly Cupcake Flowers and butterfly cupcakes for creativi tea

Recipe will be appearing on Salaric Cooking soonly.

Pancakes! (by )

Pancake stack!

I ment to start cooking them at like 5 but I went for what was supposed to be a short nap and nobody wanted to wake me up so I got up at 7:30 :/

I was grumpy but it was decided that the girls could stay up late and at 9 o'clock we finally had pancakes!

We had savoury and sweet and so on and the girls really enjoyed it!

Jean and Mary and pancakes

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