Silly Sarah (by )

I think maybe I have been watching too many horror movies lately.

Last night I had miss placed my phone - this is quiet a normal occurance and as the BT guy had fixed the landline I thought I'd use that to phone my mobile.

So this is what I did and there in the distance upstairs was the jingle of my ring tone. Now I was doing this becuase I was slightly spooked - Al wasn't here nor was dad and it was dark and there had been a strange sound that was a cat and there had been a huge spider fall on me from the rafters and was currently sitting on the bedroom wall looking at me.

I picked the phone up and looked at the screen - Oh my God! Someone from the village is calling me! At this time of night something must be wrong! So I answered the phone whilst heading downstairs to put the landline back on the hook.

And there was an opressive silence that then begain to echo back my own voice. I went still with panic and then realised... I'd phoned myself! I laughed and hung up both phones feeling really quiet stupid. But I was still feeling spooked so I phoned Al and we set up a skype call.

He has a camera on his laptop so his image came up but it was distorting in a way that made him look like some pale alien - I screamed :/ And woke Jean up and Alaric was non plussed to here why I'd screamed.

I also think perhapse my pain killers are making thought processes a bit harder than normal to honest :/

It sounds really silly and I have no idea why I got so spooked at all but it really was a horror movie moment and then it was a spoof moment and yes as alwasys I'm a silly Sarah :/

1 Comment

  • By Ella, Thu 17th Sep 2009 @ 1:09 pm


    Still your house can be pretty creepy at night. But don't worry, you're safe there, you know.

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