With the school still shut due to the snow I thought I'd best take matters into my own hands and so have spent the last few days home schooling Jean.
I do an hour on each of the subjects I have chosen but tend to split that hour up into three with the focus on subjects. The time table stands at:
Writing and Word Structure
Number, shape and measurements
Art, craft, cooking and technology - or - Music and Drama
Reading and story time - or - World Studies
We also have P.E. each day which is when ever the time is right and has mainly consisted off going out in the snow and sledging or building snow castles and lasts as long as Jean wants to be outside!
Of course there is also break time and lunch involved in there somewhere.
Jean's told Alaric I make a good teacher except that a real teacher wouldn't shout :/
We have also been putting her in school uniform for this as she is more likely to site still as we are 'playing' school! Al is the headmaster she decided too 🙂
I sort of hope I'm covering everything to be honest - my main concern now is that she hasn't seen any other children to play with since my friend Buko visited just before this lot of on going snow!
This year my birthday has been a bit of a flop again - most people I invited for a gaming weekend were still too tied up with xmas or had no money left to come up because of Christmas etc...
So I rearranged things and thought I'd get to see the new 'hot stuff' guy I've found who plays music that's a cross over of say Nick Cave and The White Strips with Claire and a few others but then the snow caused most other people to cancel and in the end I canceled as Claire had an opp on Monday that I couldn't let her risk missing.
So my birthday weekend was out of the window - then worse we had run out of fuel for the fire and the water wasn't working - some very nice and helpful people from the village came and rescued us and we had bottled water (for drinking melted snow for everything else!) and fuel!
And lo!
With heat down stairs our water came back - I wonder why!
Anyway so my actual birthday Monday I spent home schooling Jean (school is still closed due to snow) and tidying downstairs which due to being were food is but warmth wasn't had become a shambles!
Al had wanted to take me out to dinner with Jean but snow forbade it and due to work commitments and Barbara's washing machine in the stable deciding to jet water everywhere - the yummy home made dinner was very late indeed.
Jean stayed up to sing me Happy Birthday and have some cake - which was infact our Christmas cake remastered - ie I stuck some candles on it!

She'd bought me two lovely presents - an enamald butterfly in purple and turquoise and a purfum bottle in glass and silver metal enamald black with 'diamonds' on it - very art deco - Al said she went straight for those things in the shop! She knows my tastes well 🙂
She also gave me a purple box of purple glittery and lavander gauzy hair accessories 🙂
Most of Al's presents he had giving me when it started snowing as they were all things to help keep me warm - reusable lavander and wheatgerm heat pads and a heated blanket. The difference these have made to me is unbelievable and I'm very happy he didn't wait to give them too me!
He also got me a book on Secret Societies to help me with The Punk storyline 🙂
Well if your American at least! My birthday this year according to those from across the pond:
Recently I found this intresting guy on twitter called the Flying Trilobite who is an artist inspired by science - I really liked his drawings so followed him.
Anyway he then tweeted about submissions for palaeo-environment pictures and lo! I found Art Evolved and their time capsules full of palaeo-art!
Anyway it turned out the next time capsule was palaeo-environments and they wanted pictures along that theme. Unfortunatly it was very close to the deadline and I wasn't sure how to entire or if I could - even though on a later inspection of the site I saw all the instructions in plan sight!
Anyway I basically only manage to get a quick biro sketch done which wasn't composed properly or anything!
My topic was an Upper Ordovician benthonic community - yep you got it - basically it was another of my seascapes 🙂
Anyway its here if you want to see it 🙂 I'm in the middle bit of the time capsule.
Of course being me the first thing I did was sit down and read a few chapters of various palaeo books I just happen to have lurking about 🙂
Anyway I am really excited about this as I've been searching for art and science cross overs 🙂 The next time capsule is on the Therizinosaurs which I think are like beaked dinosaurs I think! I need to do a bit of reading up on these - at the moment the only book I have that mentions them is my Vertebrate Palaeontology book :/
I have applied to paint an elephant!
Yep you heard me an elephant! Of the statue variety - think the multi-coloured cows that were around London or the Pigs that were in Bath.
They don't have many left and I only just scraped in on the deadline - so I probably wont get it but I had to try!
The elephants will be paraded in London to help awareness of the plight of the Asian elephant. You can find out more about the event here.
I love conservation stuff and again this is for me at least a cross over of science and art - so for my design I went for the whole ecology feel - so yeah you guessed it I plan to paint one of my seascapes 🙂 Well to me the epitamise a bio-community in balance and in danger - they are also basically one of the oldest habitates on earth!
One of the things that doing this application has taught me though is that I need to get some sort of portfolio site up and running :/